5 Things to Keep in Mind when Getting a Divorce

Divorces are a commonplace these days; however, that doesn’t make them any less of a hassle. Contrary to what most people imagine, divorce is not all about signing some papers and going separate ways. Much goes into the process – enough to make your emotions blow out of proportions. In addition to signing the documents, you’ll need to consider a range of other aspects including property division, child custody, child support, alimony, assets, and debts among many other things.

We spoke to a renowned lawyer from Speaks Family Law and here was his advice regarding five things to keep in mind when getting a divorce:

Working with a lawyer

The first and perhaps the most important thing that one can do is to lawyer up. The legal processes surrounding divorces are complicated and can be overwhelming. Besides, the stakes are also higher and have life-long impacts – it only makes sense to let someone with experience help guide and represent you through the process. However, since the market avails an incredible selection of divorce lawyers, you don’t want to pick the first option that comes your way. Take time to do your homework to find the best lawyer that suits your needs.

Focus on the big picture

It’s easy to feel swayed by emotions and make wrong decisions in the hit of the moment. Working with a lawyer is a great way to maintain objectivity during the divorce. Ideally, you need to focus on the bigger picture, because the decisions you make now will affect you as well as the kids for years to come.

Child custody

If you have a child or children with your spouse, then you shouldn’t take the issue of child custody lightly. Different states have different guidelines regarding the child custody support matter as well as the kind of shared parenting that’s to be executed in different situations. It’s often much easier if you and your spouse agree about this beforehand. Your lawyer can also help facilitate the process. But if all else fails, then the court will determine who is fit to stay with the child or children.

Income and alimony

Both your income and that of your spouse will be weighed, along with the financial obligation each one of you carried when you lived together. Alimony is accorded to a spouse for a range of reasons, which will be made clear to you during the process. Alimony and income are important things to keep in mind and anticipate the different results that may arise due to the divorce. Often, the spouse with financial ability will be the one to take care of the other temporarily or permanently depending on the circumstance.

It’s not about winning

There is no winner in a divorce, so don’t go in with a winning attitude. A typical divorce consists of a range of issues, including child support and custody along with the division of property, assets, and liabilities. It’s rare for one spouse to get everything they wish for. Like you cannot get primary custody of the kids and still get the spousal support you anticipated for.

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