Typical Reasons To Consult A Divorce Lawyer In Chelsea

Filing for divorce in Chelsea may sound easy on paper. The internet is beaming with ideas and resources about divorce laws in Alabama. Is that enough? Not really! Each divorce has its unique challenges and specific circumstances, and unless you get a review of your case from an expert, you cannot go blindly with the proceedings. In this post, we are sharing typical reasons to consult a Chelsea divorce lawyer.

Your net worth is high

People with significant assets and properties often fear losing everything in a divorce. While Alabama allows for equitable distribution of marital properties between spouses, this doesn’t mean an equal share for both. If you have worked hard to make your business and acquire wealth, there are ways to protect at least some of your assets. There are exemptions, which an attorney can explain in detail.

You are worried about tax implications

Alimony, family house, or anything you get from the divorce could have financial implications. For instance, if you decide to fight for the big family mansion, can you pay the taxes? Having an attorney allows you to see the larger picture, and many lawyers have contacts to connect you with the right financial experts who can guide you further.

You want alimony

Alimony is often necessary in some circumstances. If you earn considerably less than your spouse or have been a stay-at-home spouse during the marriage, you can certainly expect spousal support. However, there are several factors that the judge will consider. Consult an attorney to ensure that you have a strong case before the court.

You want a temporary order

If you are a victim of domestic violence, or your spouse has threatened you for filing the divorce, you need an expert to guide you and get a temporary restraining order. While this cannot always prevent a crime from happening, your spouse certainly will have more consequences when they do wrong. This could also be the ground to retain the custody of your children.

You are worried about the paperwork

For many people, the paperwork and filing process is daunting, and unless you have absolute knowledge, you should let an expert do the job. Once you have an attorney to deal with the divorce, there is little you need to do. Lawyers are skilled with divorce matters and know exactly what steps are critical.

Choose a divorce lawyer in Chelsea by checking their experience and work profile.

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